You submit your personal information, along with your credit card and banking information. This information is temporarily stored on a secure server.
At that point the Financial Blackmail Timer will begin, and you will be given about 3 hours until the timer expires.
The only way out is a special code that only Empress Jazzy has. It’s a minimum $100 fee for the code, but no guarantee you will receive it.
Empress Jazzy may also demand that you perform humiliating tasks or punishments. Whether or not you receive the code is always at the discretion of Empress Jazzy!
If the correct code is entered before the Financial Blackmail Timer expires, then your information is safely deleted.
If the Financial Blackmail Timer expires, or the window closes early you’re fucked! Empress Jazzy will be sent the info you’ve provided, and is authorized to use it as she pleases.
Purchase these clips and play them with Empress Jazzy’s timer games. Empress Jazzy will show you how easy it is to play, while seducing you each step of the way! Once you start playing Empress Jazzy has every advantage over you. You will be expected to pay and humiliate yourself for Empress Jazzy. The stakes are always high, and Empress Jazzy does not show mercy.
The Bank of Jazzy Financial Blackmail Timer Game is 100% real! A new code is generated every time a new game is started.
If you do not submit the code in time you will LOSE! Empress Jazzy is the only one with access to this code. Don’t learn the hard way. There is no safety net.
If you’re ready to play just click the link below:
Yes! I’m a stupid man, and ready to put my fate in Empress Jazzy’s hands
Contact and Pay Empress Jazzy