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Let’s face it. You try so hard to be a man, but in the end you always fail. That’s because you’re not really a man at all. It’s why you’ve ended up here. You’re probably jerking your little dinky at the thought of being the next sissy bitch exposed in the stable right now lol
Just think of all the benefits. Women that visit the site will laugh at you, and never take you seriously as a man. All the real men will know you’re a gay sissy that loves cock. You’ll have lots of horny guys jerking off at the thought of fucking your sissy holes. Maybe you’ll even find that special man to humiliate you, and force you to worship his dick. Once you’re exposed you can never go back. This is the start of your new life as a dumb sissy bimbo whore!
So do the right thing, and get dressed up like a pretty sissy slut. Take lots of humiliating pics, and then pay for the privilege of being exposed in front of the whole world!
Send $50 to Empress Jazzy to get started!